
Dear Dr. Kwan, Thank you so much for your time and the privilege of having discussions and mock interviews with you in the previous year for preparing my Chartered Professional Review (CPR) of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).In your “One-to-One Professional Examination Preparation Course”, I can have chance to fine-tune my Development Objectives, Experience Report and Project Report to me […]

YW Lau
Dear Ir. Kwan Thank you for serving as a mentor to me on 2017 to 2018. Sharing your experience and expertise about the Building Services Engineering got a lot of benefits. Your understanding of learning theories, familiarity with Chartered Engineer policies and procedures, teaching excellence, and interpersonal skills all contributed to a successful to me. Also, under your guidance make me success […]

Louis Kwan
The helping hand you gave me in the past 2 years for my MCIWEM application plus CEng registration is very much appreciated. Your advice on the drafts of both Career Report and Report on Projects as well as the preparation for Professional Review Interview is critical not only for the examination itself but also for my future personal development. You told me to take deep breath in case I feel nerv […]

學院提供專業課程讓我可以充實自己,加上師資優良課程又實用助我獲出專業資格增加競爭力提前仕途潛力。而且學院的課程實用又高水準,讓我大大提升自信。老師又夠專業,又肯分享他們的專業經驗,讓我除課程知識外深刻了解實際工作環境的情況,同學都是相關行情的在職人士,大家話題相同使我可以了解更多職埸資料。課程絕對有用,不單只助我晉升,最重要係有助我日後考出專業工程資格。日後我更會考慮報讀BTEC level6 或者學院與海外學校合辦的課程。並且介紹更多朋友來報讀,因為上堂便利我們在職人士而已同學們都是相關工作者有利資訊交流及避免代溝,商業科目的話可能會考慮報讀會計。

Dear Dr. Kwan, Thank you very much for your coaching and guidance on my career path. I have achieved the CEng and MCIBSE qualification after joining the captioned course.Although I haven’t received a formal trainings such as Scheme A training or working in famous consultant firms, you essentially equip me a lot on the design aspects and provide sufficient guidance for my further study as well as s […]

Mr. D Tsang
Thank you very much for all the assistance you have given in the last three years for the application for Chartered Engineer through CIBSE registration.Further to take your One-to-One for Examination Course for CEng, your advice on the draft of engineering Practice Report and preparation for Professional Review Interview is very helpful, constructive and strategic for my personal development, expe […]

Gurung Balkisna
本人因想獲得BTEC證書因而於香港設施工程學院修讀建築工程高級文憑。課程絕對有利我日後的出路,而且所有老師都很專業而且很友善,他們會樂於協助同學,而且學院非常就腳配合夜間課程,絕對配合我們這些需要日間工作的全職人員就讀。當中課程選擇繁多,老師教學又鼓勵,值得推薦給同事報讀。修讀完畢後更可能會報讀BTEC level6 再銜接本港碩士學位。而且我更會推薦朋友報讀因為很多同事都一起報讀校園氣氛不錯,加上報讀的同學都是從事相關行業有利職業資訊交流。